Winter (Yellow Lab) & Rufus (Black Lab) - Gary Chrisman, Owner
Dear Folks at Cornucopia,
I am fifty years old and have never in my life written or called or did a customer testimonial for anyone… Until today! I saw you and your product on Shark Tank. Even though they were not convinced, I believed you, and the next day ordered online your Super-Food Antioxidant and Phyto-Food Mineral Supplements. I have two Labs, a very spunky yellow/white alpha female Lab, four (4) years old named Winter and the kindest loving good natured Black Lab male, nine (9) years old, named Rufus.
Over a period of the last two years, Rufus had really begun to show age and had noticeably slowed down. He began having trouble standing up after lying down, especially after playing ball. He slept a lot and would sneak off during the day to go to bed. If I left him, he would sleep all day. He generally appeared not to feel well, had a lack of vitality, and was obviously having muscle and joint problems. My vet reminded me he was getting older, and I was to give him aspirin for pain. I also had Rufus on Glucosamine and Chondroitin (human grade), trying to improve his pain and joint health. This seemed to help, but not that much. His blood work and vitals all check out normal. Diagnosis: Aging.
Watching Rufus aging so fast broke my heart. I felt he was not that old considering I had my last lab for 15 years. The thought of loosing Rufus at his age was just unacceptable. I have always fed my dogs premium brand foods. So, I received your product and started using it as you directed, starting with a pinch over their food. As I write this letter today, I am only half way through the original bottles. Within 4 to 6 weeks, I can't tell you the change in Rufus; he began playing like we used to, his energy is unbelievable, and he plays with the 4 year old like a puppy would. He no longer sneaks off to bed during the day. As a matter of fact, they run around the house and chase each other almost every morning, playing and having a blast. Rufus loved to play ball and fetch as most labs do. Before Rufus was on your products, he would go for the ball a few times and the go lay down. Now he runs with Winter every time to race for the ball. He gets up from laying down easier, seems to have a huge amount of energy, and looks like he is in much less muscle pain then before.
My dogs are spoiled and sleep with me at the foot of the bed. Before we were "Cornucopia-ed," many a night I had to help Rufus up on the bed. But now, he jumps right up on the bed like he used to. Nothing has changed here in the way that we care for or feed either dog, except that we use your products on their food. It's truly unbelievable. I still can't believe it, and the difference in him is truly remarkable. If it had not been my dog, and knowing nothing has changed except for using your product, I would never believe it. You're truly not joking when you call it Super-Food. It's as though Rufus' internal clock has been turned back 4 years at least!
Also, I wanted you to know, your instruction say to start our with small amounts so the dogs get used to the taste. I followed your directions, but have to tell you my dogs loved the taste. Now when we feed them and fill their dog dish with dry food, they sit and wait for us to sprinkle your product on! They actually wait! It's like they know this stuff makes them feel great. I can not thank you enough for developing this product. I also thank Shark Tank for allowing you to come there and letting me find out about you and your product. They should seriously reconsider your request to invest!
I am thinking about taking it myself! Is it safe for humans? I have no doubt, God willing, Rufus, Winter and I will have many more quality years ahead of us. It will be interesting as well as rewarding to watch how my 4 year old lab Winter thrives on your product. I can only imagine her results after seeing how much these two products have changed and improved Rufus' life. We shake our heads everyday now in disbelief as we watch them run and play with vigor and vitality! Feel free to share my experience and customer testimonial with your customers. But I have to tell you all… If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I never would have believed it.
My deepest best wishes and best regards,
Gary Chrisman
Grand Rapids, Michigan