Anne (Herding Dog) - Nora Fuller, Owner
Dr. Broderick,
I would like to thank you for giving us extra time with our elderly herding dog, Anne.
You see, in Feb of '09 she broke a tooth. When the blood work done before she was put under came back, the vets thought she might have lymphoma. After more tests it was confirmed. Checking with the local vet school, they estimated more than half of my annual salary to treat her, so that was out of the question.
In June it was decided that we would just skip her regular checkup and vaccinations because she probably would not live more than six months to a year and that we would put her down when the time came. Then one night there you were on Shark Tank. I ordered your Super-Food and Phyto-Food combos. By Thanksgiving friends were asking what we were giving her because she was more alert. Oh yes, she still has arthritis and walks short distances before laying down, but wants to go out to help more now than she has in the past couple of years.
When we took another dog for his annual visit last month our vet was surprised when we told him she was doing "good." No we didn't say what we had fed her nor did we take her back for more tests. We will just enjoy the extra time with her. And now we can't forget to give her your powder because she will whine until we do. LOL.
Thanks again,