Bitey (Yorkshire Terrier) - Beverly H., Owner
Bitey is my sweet little Yorkie girl with a definite 'tude.
She is 9 years old now, and I've had her since she was 4 months old. She came to us with a bacterial lung infection, which was treated with huge doses of I.V. antibiotics to help her already compromised immune system. They did save her life, but as a result, she became very fragile. She has multiple allergies, has suffered from systematic yeast infection that took me 4 years to control, and has an idiopathic enlarged liver with sporadic pancreatic-like symptoms. She never really was strong or well. Because of her, we use "green" cleaning products with no pesticides. During the summer, her time outdoors is limited because of the neighbors' trees and shrub spraying. We have Hepa filters running throughout the house and are meticulous about the goods she ingests. These are just a few of the things that have helped her to enjoy a happy life.
Last summer, while I was very ill, my daughter came home brought two bottles of Cornucopia with her. She instructed me to give her 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. with food. Almost immediately, I noticed that Bitey's coat was more lustrous than it had ever been. And, she was so playful and energetic - she was just like a little puppy! Not being well myself, I did not grasp my daughter's instructions regarding Cornucopia and feedings, I mistakenly thought the Cornucopia bottles were both the same – that one was an "extra" so I continued to give her only the Super-Food only at at her morning feeding. Still, Bitey was such a happy and playful little thing, running and fetching and full of stamina! It amazes me. I had been incorrectly dosing her from December 2009 to March 2010, yet she retained her healthy, energetic state.
I would never write to doubt the benefits of any product – it is simply is not my style. Yet, I am so very impressed and so very grateful, that this testimony felt warranted. I write this in the hopes that Cornucopia Super-Food and Phyto-Food will bring longer, healthier, and happier lives to others.
Beverly H.
New Rochelle, NY