The ultimate meal for your pets is a combination of any variety of our Cornucopia Pet Food, Phyto-Food and Super-Food Supplements, Cretan Olive Oil, Himalayan Mountain Crystal Salt, all whipped together and served in a Baked Sweet Potato.
This time-tested combination is the formula that Doc Broderick recommends for all pet owners at his clinic in Huntington, NY. Animals who's owners have followed this regimen live long, healthy lives full of energy and vitality.
This is the optimal serving suggestion for your pets, but you can also feel free to feed Cornucopia Pet Foods straight from the can. It provides all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients your pet needs to unlock "The Power of Preventative Nutrition."
General Instructions
Dogs should be fed twice a day – every 12 hours works best. For cats, see the recommended guidelines at the bottom of this page.
Introducing your pets to Cornucopia while weening them off their old food can be done over the course of a week or so by means of a gradual shift – consistently increasing the amount of the new paradigm while decreasing and ultimately eliminating the old pet food.
After feeding, remove unconsumed food until the next feeding. When animals eat in the wild, they do not leave it and expect to come back later for seconds.
No Grazing! What you want to see each time you feed your pets is a hungry, healthy and expectant animal ready to eat.

Doc's Paradigm for Large Dogs
(60lbs. or Over) - Sweet Potato Method
- Pre-bake a few sweet potatoes for use over the next few days and allow to cool. Cut 1 baked sweet potato down the middle (after cooled) and scoop out the insides into a small bowl. Set aside the potato skin. Do not use White Potatoes.
- Measure out 6oz of the Cornucopia Pet Food variety of your choice into the bowl (either 1 6oz. can or 1/2 13oz. can).
- Add 1 tablespoon of our Ancient Cretan Olive Oil.
- Add 1/4 teaspoon of our Himalayan Mountain Crystal Salts.
- Add 1 teaspoon of Cornucopia Phyto-Food and 1 teaspoon of Cornucopia Super-Food Pet Supplements.
- Fold all of the ingredients together until mixed well.
- Stuff the sweet potato skin with the mixed ingredients and serve to your dog in their favorite feeding dish.
For a change of pace, you may substitute baked Squash, Pumpkin, or Turnip for the Sweet Potato.

Doc's Paradigm for Large Dogs
(60lbs. or Over) - Table Scraps Method
(or What Our Grandparents Did Before Pet Food)
- Take whatever leftovers you have on your plate (things like green vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, butter, even the occasional helping of gluten free pasta) and place them in a small bowl. Do not include any of the following: Onions, Bread, Bagels, Bakery Products, Pasta w/ Gluten, French Fries, White Potatoes, Dessert, Flour, Chocolate, Wheat, Corn, Corn Syrup, Sugar or anything that contains "natural" or "artificial" flavors (because they may contain MSG or Aspartame).
- Measure out 6oz of the Cornucopia Pet Food variety of your choice into the bowl (either 1 6oz. can or 1/2 13oz. can).
- Add 1 tablespoon of our Ancient Cretan Olive Oil.
- Add 1/4 teaspoon of our Himalayan Mountain Crystal Salts.
- Add 1 teaspoon of Cornucopia Phyto-Food and 1 teaspoon of Cornucopia Super-Food.
- Fold all of the ingredients together until mixed well.
- Serve to your dog in their favorite feeding dish.
For Medium Dogs (30lbs. - 60lbs) - Cut 'Large Dog' Paradigm measurements by 1/2
For Small Dogs (10lbs. - 30lbs.) - Cut 'Large Dog' Paradigm measurements by 1/4
Doc's Paradigm for Cats

We recommend that you pre-mix two days worth of our paradigm for cats:
- Empty one (1) 13oz. can of the Cornucopia Pet Food variety of your choice into a large bowl.
- Add 1 tablespoon of our Elyros Ancient Cretan Olive Oil.
- Add 1/4 teaspoon of our Himalayan Mountain Crystal Salts.
- Add 1/2 teaspoon of Cornucopia Phyto-Food and 1/2 teaspoon of Cornucopia Super-Food.
- Fold all of the ingredients together until mixed well.
- Serve to your cat in small increments throughout the day as indicated below.
- Refrigerate unused portion till next feeding.
The ideal way to feed a cat is to give 1 tablespoon of the mixture twelve times a day. This would equal approximately 7oz. of the Cornucopia Paradigm Mix per day. However, we're realists. We understand that most of you won't be able to feed your cat 12 times throughout the day. You have jobs, families, hobbies, etc... So, we recommend the feeding of your cat six times a day, two (2) tablespoons of the Paradigm Mix per serving. You can serve the Cornucopia Paradigm Mix with any animal protein table scraps left over from your meals (chicken, fish, eggs, etc... - do not feed any fruits, vegetables or grains). Feed your cat right when you wake, before you leave for work, when you get home from work, at dinner time, and a double portion (4 tablespoons) right before bed.
You may be scratching your head at this point and asking why go through all that trouble to feed your cat? Many of our customers have been feeding once or twice a day in much larger serving sizes for years. Well, a cat's digestive tract is about half the size of the average dog. They just can't fit a big meal in their stomach all at once. In the wild, cats eat many small meals all day long. A mouse for breakfast, a bird a few hours later, maybe some insects for lunch, a chipmunk in the afternoon... Cats don't gorge themselves on a big meal once or twice a day like dogs do. You know that feeling you get when you've eaten way to much? The average cat in America today feels that way all the time, because their owners are feeding too much, and not often enough. Feeding your cat small portions throughout the day will help promote proper digestion, nutrient absorption, prevent vomiting and inconsistent stool, and promote optimal health.